Useful for Anybody Who Wants To Learn Idioms!
I have some dictionaries on idioms and I find this one the most helpful because it is really suitable for people who learn English as a second language. I suppose it may be really hard for them to understand idioms at first. However, they may find it useful once they get the hang of it. Unfortunately I found my several new expressions in this dictionary. However, I'm so intrigued by informative and well-organized explanations of each idiom that I would like to recommend this to those who are still struggling to learn English. The main reason is that it sure helps us reinforce our imaginations by judging the meaning from the context. Take the following sentence for example: He blew a gasket when he found out he was fired. In this case, 'to blow a gasket' is an idiom. I would guess whether the sentence means the positive or negative first. Then I would guess how I would feel if I were in his shoes. If possible, I would try to put it differently. I would express this way,"He was furious when he found out he lost his job." Now you might catch what it means; 'to blow a gasket' means 'furious' or 'very angry'. The bottom line is you will strengthen your understanding on idioms if you practice guessing what your new idioms mean from the contexts. But beware; don't overuse them. It'll make sentences unnatural or even wordy!