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How I Play Golf

価格: ¥1,659
カテゴリ: ハードカバー
ブランド: Grand Central Publishing
I wanna be like Tiger ★★★★★
Learning the pure basics and foundations of golf comes from this book. Tiger talks briefly about his childhood and experiences with golf, and also offers advice on all aspects of playing golf from mentally training your mind to swinging easy on the greens. His detailed advice with the types of clubs i.e. drivers, fairways, long irons, mid irons, short game clubs etc were very useful and helped me a lot to remember what I should be focusing on when I am at the driving range or on the course. What I really liked about this book is Tiger's way of looking at the game and his determination of overcoming the biggest enemy of golf, which is your mindset. I respect his attitude and I think it's not really how well you are hitting your drivers or how many putts you make, but it's how you mentally take on the game and overcoming those obstacles! Simply inspirational.
What an incredible book ★★★★★
Once you start reading it, you won't be able to set it down. I even got yelled at by my boss for reading the book on company time. I've read it 4 times and each time is like the first time. There is alot of information to process so get ready be blown away. It's awsome. Also, if you missed reading Tino Georgiou's masterpiece--The Fates, go and read it.
タイガー・ウッズ 私のゴルフ論 上下 ★★★★☆



タイガー・ウッズ 私のゴルフ論 上下 ★★★☆☆



Special Thanks to Tiger! ★★★★☆
 今まで20年間、自己流のゴルフを通し、最近になり、いい時には、70台も出るようになりました。自分なりのスイング理論も固まり始め、ポイントを押さえ、いい調子が続いても、ある日突然、見るも無残な「どフック」が発生。100を切るのがやっとのプレイへ逆戻りしてしまいます。一念奮起し、かつ英語の勉強も兼ね「How I play golf?」を読破。米国のトップ・プレイヤーが実践するグリップの強さ、「スクウェア」の本当の意味、テークバックおよびトップでのフェースの向きのチェック、ゲームへの姿勢は自分だけが決定出来るというメンタル面等、読んだだけでスイングが改善され、メンタル面が強化された気がします。是非、読むことをお勧めしたいと思います。