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Brave New World (P.S.)

価格: ¥1,244
カテゴリ: ペーパーバック
ブランド: Harper Perennial Modern Classics
God does not change. But people do. ★★★★★
We are treated to a glimpse of a possible future world where friendship can still exist. This is a story of a hand full of individuals in a world that emphasizes "Community, Identity, Stability" that find each other and discus subjects that most of the people of that time cold not understand. However we do. Naturally the author Aldous Huxley builds his own scenarios and draws his own conclusions through the characters speeches and description of experimental history.

Bernard Marx who is about to lose his job because he is different (vary different) form those around him, decides to take a vacation to visit the Zuni's. There he meets a misplaced person named John. Together with the help of Bernard's friend Henry they intend to change the world. So they find out the world is incapable of changing.

We get an Ayn Rand type speech from Mustapha Mond one of the world controllers' that helps you realize that in this brave new world the three friends are the anomaly. How can this enigma be solved?

Do not forget to watch the 1998 movie version with Leonard Nimoy as Mustapha Mond.
God does not change. But people do. ★★★★★
We are treated to a glimpse of a possible future world where friendship can still exist. This is a story of a hand full of individuals in a world that emphasizes "Community, Identity, Stability” that find each other and discus subjects that most of the people of that time cold not understand. However we do. Naturally the author Aldous Huxley builds his own scenarios and draws his own conclusions through the characters speeches and description of experimental history.

Bernard Marx who is about to lose his job because he is different (vary different) form those around him, decides to take a vacation to visit the Zuni’s. There he meets a misplaced person named John. Together with the help of Bernard’s friend Henry they intend to change the world. So they find out the world is incapable of changing.

We get an Ayn Rand type speech from Mustapha Mond one of the world controllers’ that helps you realize that in this brave new world the three friends are the anomaly. How can this enigma be solved?
傑作。 ★★★★★
欧米側の文学史や文化史なんかには必ず載ってるハクスリーのBrave New World。

現実味のあるフィクション ★★★★☆
もしも現実の世界がBrave New Worldのようになってしまったら…と考えさせられる物語です。
翻訳あり ★★★★★
Brave New Worldですが、翻訳はありますよ。