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C++ Primer

価格: ¥7,346
カテゴリ: ペーパーバック
ブランド: Addison-Wesley Professional
以前の版からかなり進化しました。 ★★★★★
素晴らしい書籍だが... ★★★★★
しまうために誤解されている!? 本書のは「根本から」といった
K&R of C++. Required Reading if you want to write C++ code. ★★★★★
After years of being a C++ programmer, read quite a lot of books (about 20, I think)... I considered this book as one of my favourite, that I usually refer to when I have some problem. I dare say that "If K&R's "White Bible" (The C Programming Language) is the indispensable text for C programmers. Then, Mr. Lippman's C++ Primer IS the K&R for C++ programmers".

However, this book is definitely not-for-beginner, or whoever new to Programming. So, some of the reader might be misleading by/confuse with its title. The writers had stated this clearly on the back cover, which said "for developers new to C++" and in the preface, which said "This book is intended as a first book on C++; it is NOT intended as a first book on programming!" (However, it's a Primer for "C++" not for "Programming" anyway :-)

One big thing that made this book different from most of the C++ introductory books is, this book provided a lot of "real-world" program examples. Here, I really mean "real world", the program that you can really "use" (may be after make them more advanced/complete), like the text query system. While all other books provided some little codes to illustrate the points (some are so silly). I found this approach very useful, although the code is quite advanced, even in the early chapter... so you might have to jump around the book to find the information of what he's talking about. However, after study the code example, I think I have a better understanding about the topics/techniques. Ok, the small examples might be better for those who know nothing, someone who come to C++ "from scratch", something like that... But after you finished it, you still might not get the idea of how to put them together , unless there are any bigger program to illustrate the idea.

Note to those who are new to programming : Read other books first, so you won't blame on a good book like this.

Note to everyone who had been misleaded by this book's title : Make sure you've read the back cover and the preface of ANY book before buying it, if you can... (if you can't, you have to try your luck..., good luck for you then :-)