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Tales from Earthsea (Earthsea#5)

価格: ¥978
カテゴリ: マスマーケット
ブランド: Ace

ネビュラ賞5回、ヒューゴー賞5回をはじめ、全米図書賞やニューベリー賞など、数々の賞を受賞したアーシュラ・K・ル=グウィンは、過去最高のファンタジー/SF作家のひとりに数えられる。ル=グウィンの最高傑作といえば、力強く美しい文章と奥深い想像力で紡ぎだされた『Earthsea Cycle』(邦題『ゲド戦記』)だろう。このシリーズは、J・R・R・トールキンの『Lord of the Rings』(邦題『指輪物語』)3部作やジェイン・ヨーレンの『Chronicles of Great Alta』と並び、現代ファンタジーの最高峰にふさわしい高尚な雰囲気を漂わせている。『Earthsea Cycle』は、『A Wizard of Earthsea』(邦題『影との戦い』)(1968)、『The Tombs of Atuan』(邦題『こわれた腕輪』)(1971)、『The Farthest Shore』(邦題『さいはての島へ』)(1972)、ネビュラ賞を受賞した『Tehanu』(邦題『帰還』)(1990)、そして本作『Tales of Earthsea』(邦題『ゲド戦記外伝』)(2001)で構成されている。

『ゲド戦記』を未読の方は、本書から読みはじめないほうがいいだろう。というのも、著者自身が思いやりのある序文のなかで、『A Wizard of Earthsea』(邦題『影との戦い』)から読みはじめるようアドバイスしているからだ。どうしても 『Tales of Earthsea』(邦題『ゲド戦記外伝』)から読みたいのであれば、まずは序文と付録の「Description of Earthsea」(アースシーについて)に目を通してから、本書収録の短編5作(うち3作は書き下ろし)を読みはじめることをお勧めする。

幕開けの「The Finder」(邦題「カワウソ」)は、本書の3分の1を占めるボリュームで、長編にも劣らぬ力強さと奥深さを持っている。この物語では、才能はあるが半人前の若き魔法使いカワウソが、いまはもう見つからない島にたどりつき、ロークの学院を創立するまでが描かれている。「Darkrose and Diamond」(邦題「ダークローズとダイヤモンド」)は、魔法に背を向けた恋人たちの物語。「The Bones of the Earth」(邦題「地の骨」)では、老魔法使いとよそよそしい弟子が、どうにか力を合わせて地震を鎮める話。「On the High Marsh」(邦題「湿原で」)には、アースシーの賢人ゲドが登場し、かつて彼がローク島から追い出したきわめて危険な魔法使いと出会う。そして最後の「Dragonfly」(邦題「トンボ」)では、謎の女性がロークの学院を訪れ、男性しか魔法使いになれないという掟に挑戦する。「Dragonfly」は『Tehanu』(邦題『帰還』)の数年後が舞台で、『Tehanu』と『The Other Wind』(邦題『アースシーの風』)(2001年秋)の架け橋になる物語だ。--シンシア・ウォード

A nice way to revisit Earthsea, however this is not for new Earthsea readers ★★★★☆
Tales from Earthsea is the perfect way to get back into the Earthsea world. I originally thought this was a new book about Ged and company, however, this book contains a collection of shorter stories not revolving directly around the same characters from the first books.

The first and last stories are longer than the others and my favorites of the bunch. Le Guin really excels at storytelling when she has the ability to flesh out her characters over a longer period of time. These two stories really add the most to the world of Earthsea and are relevant to the other Earthsea books. In fact, they flesh out and provide more detail about Roke Island and the school there.

The shorter stories in the middle tend to be the weaker of the bunch, and don't add a lot to the world of Earthsea, but still make for an enjoyable read. They are fun stories that take place in the Earthsea world, but don't necessarily have the complexity and depth of her other Earthsea books (and the other more fleshed out stories in this book). I really don't think that this makes for a terrible book (as some people here seem to be very disappointed) as they are still entertaining.

If you are a newcomer to the Earthsea books, I would not recommend this as an introduction. You should definitely begin with A Wizard of Earthsea (the first book of the series). In addition, if you plan to read all the Earthsea books, I recommend reading them in order. Don't skip to this one if you haven't read at least the first 4 books yet as there are a couple of spoiler-like moments in a couple of the stories.

To sum up, I would rate the first and last stories as 5 stars and the middle stories as 3 stars. If you are already familiar with the Earthsea books, I recommend this book as a way to enjoy a bit of light reading in the same world. Just be aware that some of the stories are not as rich and detailed as previous books in the series. However, the first and the last stories do add some nice details and answer some questions you may have had in the back of your mind about some of the events in the other books. Also read an 極度なスリラー Tino Georgiou--The Fates.
Opinion ★★★★★
ごい可愛いです。よくできてるし、どこから見てもおもしろい。これは本の域を越えています!!大切にします☆あたしもこんな素晴らしいものが作れるようになりたいです I recommend reading- Quest by Giorgio Kostantinos. Excellent bestseller
架け橋 ★★★★★
前4巻を補ったり、5巻につないでくれたりする、中篇・短編です。「ゲド戦記」シリーズは、少し重く暗い物語ですが、この「Tales from Earthsea」は、それぞれの話が短いので、重くならず、それでいてしっとりと、心に染み込んでくるような作品です。若き日のOgionにも、大賢人だった時のGedにも会えます。個人的には、全6冊になるシリーズの中で、一番好きです。


A great Read ★★★★★
Tales From Earthsea is a wonderful anthology that answers some of the questions hinted at in the previous books. Le Guin's fast, lyrical prose is a joy to read and these five stories stand as sterling examples of her work. I loved everything about this work, especially the surprising facts that women and men founded Roke and that a single biased archmage created the myth that women could not be mages. The appendix at the end of the book sums up nicely all the varied tales and legends in Earthsea that were only mentioned in passing before. I was very glad about this because I always wondered what really happened between Morred and Elfarren. All in all a magnificent work. I would recommend it to anyone, though readers new to the series should read the Earthsea trilogy and Tehanu first. I can't wait for the next book coming in the fall!

Also recomended is The Price of Immortality by C.M. WHitlock, a very great book.

しっとりとしたアースシーへの再訪。 ★★★★★

