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An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-based Learning Methods

価格: ¥6,319
カテゴリ: ハードカバー
ブランド: Cambridge University Press
適度に深く、広く ★★★★☆


currently the best textbook on SVMs ★★★★☆
Support Vector Machines (or SVMs) are a relatively new topic in math/computer science. Currently most people learn abut them by reading papers which are available on-line or in popular journals. Although Vaipnik is recongnized as THE pioneering scientist on the subject, his papers and books are very difficult to understand and digest.

This book by Christianini and Shawe-Taylor is the best introductory one to-date, however, it is not necessarily meant for everyone. There is a lot of mathematics in the first 5 chapters -- I found them interesting, but several of my colleagues who have not had extensive training in graduate level mathematical analysis and integral equations remarked that it was too difficult. The big plus is that the latter chapters on techniques for implementing SVMs can be understood and put to use by folks who had trouble with the first 5 chapters. The book also mentions useful on-line resources, including a Web page with errata and some sample programs.