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The Story of English: Third Revised Edition

価格: ¥1,866
カテゴリ: ペーパーバック
ブランド: Penguin (Non-Classics)
   今回改訂された『The Story of Wnglish』は初めて英語の全歴史を明らかにした1冊。元々はPBSのシリーズ番組とタイアップした内容であったが、話し言葉、書き言葉両方の英語の歴史を、楽しくかつ徹底的に詳述している。範囲は英語の起源とされる数千年前のアグロ・サクソンの頃から、いまや英語が経済・文化に欠かせなくなり、世界中で10億人もの人々に使われるようになった現代まで。方言はロンドン、リバプール、スコットランド、ガラ、シンガポール、フランス、さらに最新のアメリカ黒人のスラングまで網羅。この徹底的英語歴史本は、英語に興味のあるすべての人必携の入門書といえる。
完成された英語の物語 ★★★☆☆
This is a companion to the PBS television series. ★★★★★
After watching the series it is fun to see the information in print.
Just about everything you ever wanted to know about the English Language is in this book. There are newer and older references but none so complete and at the same time readable. This book covers history, usage, almost usage and possible futures of the language.

One of my favorite antidotes was the one about how the Advisory Committee on Spoken English (ACSE) discussed the word "canine":

"Shaw brought up the word 'canine', and he wanted the recommendation to be 'cay-nine'... And somebody said 'Mr. Shaw, Mr. Chairman, I don't know why you bring this up, of course it's 'ca-nine'. Shaw said, 'I always pronounce things the way they are pronounced by people who use the word professionally every day.' And he said, 'My dentist always says (cay-nine)'. And somebody said, 'Well, in that case, Mr. Chairman, you must have an American dentist.' And he said, 'Of course, why do you think at 76 I have all my teeth!'"

After reading about how English came about, the next book to read would be "Divided by a Common Language" by Christopher Davies, Jason Murphy