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Write More: 3 Simple Strategies To Write More Even If You Hate Writing

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
FACT: Your willpower to write is being controlled and you don’t even know it.

Because if you think that your lack of productive writing is related to poor discipline and bad habits, you’re mistaken. Truth is, you are being powerfully influenced by proven scientific principles of behavioral psychology... little known principles that hijack the writing process and go completely unnoticed by most of us. And they’re causing you and millions of other writers to spend enormous amounts of time and energy every day on worthless writing strategies and services designed to get you to write more. But what are these principles? How do they work? And how can you use them to write more?

Prepare yourself for a unique learning experience as psychologist Nina Sullivan takes you on a simple and satisfying journey that will teach you the exact steps to take to increase your writing productivity...simple strategies that you can apply today, no matter what kind of bad writing habits you’ve developed.

In this short and direct book, Sullivan teaches you three little known strategies that she learned in her experience as a behavioral psychologist, including:

  • Why making yourself sit down and write is sabotaging your productivity 1

  • Why discipline has very little to do with writing a lot 2

  • Why simply pacing yourself and taking lots of breaks sounds like good, common sense, but in reality does nothing to increase your productivity over time 3

  • And much more 4

Buy Write More today and watch as your writing productivity increases with very little additional effort.

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