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How to Build Websites that Sell: The Scientific Approach to Websites

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
This book will make you money. It will teach you how to build your website in such a way that it converts visitors into leads or buyers.

Building websites that sell is not an art; it's a science. It's not about gut feelings and personal preferences - nothing to do with bells and whistles. You will learn how to optimize your website for sales, based on all the best research and experiments.

You start by defining a business objective for your website. What follows is careful planning regarding how to design the website in such a way that it produces maximum results. Everything you need to boost sales you will learn from this book - filled with straight-to-the-point advice and lots of examples. Everything in this book is based on in-depth industry knowledge and scientific research.

Why should you care about conversion optimization (the science of turning more visitors into buyers) in the first place?

It is the cheapest, quickest way to increase sales online. Think about this: if you’re currently converting at 1% (1% of your visitors buy your stuff), but can increase that to a mere 2%, you’ve doubled your sales.

This book will help you do better, smarter marketing. It's a must-read for anyone that wants to get more business from their website.