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猫名言 南北(cats and wise sayings NANBOKU)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: チョット見文庫(株式会社ヴィアックス)

猫好き大人必読! アマゾンのキンドルストアーに、電子書籍『猫名言』が登場!! 「チョット見文庫」から、古今東西の様々な名言と表情豊かな猫たちの写真がマッチングした、全く新しいタイプの猫写真集が発売になりました。猫好きの方はもちろんのこと、春の新入学や新社会人向けギフトとしても最適です。

ハーシー鴨乃(Hershey Kamono)
写真家、ノンフィクションライター、エッセイスト、雑誌編集者。「ローカルジャパン」をテーマに、47 都道府県の地方都市、農山漁村をくまなく歩き、雑誌記事や紀行文、エッセイ、写真ルポなどを数多く手がける。
そのかたわら、全国の野良猫、外猫、地域猫の写真を撮り続け、カット数はのべ10,000点以上。作品点数だけでも、1,000点を優に超える(2012年末時点)。1973 年、新潟県加治川村(現・新発田市)生まれ。

Cats murmurs a wise sayings by here and there in japan
This photo book is just like cut the nature scene of the cats on streets, alleys, footpath and all around Japan. They enjoy the freedom and hold full of energy to live. Photographer Hershey Kamono is keen to choose the wise saying from all ages and places to match with his lively cats pictures. Such as like miracle match, both pictures and wards cuddle each other. This photo book is the brand new type of cat photo collection. Fed up only cute cat photo collection? ――if you do, this photo book is for you. Truly recommend to mature cat lovers! You may find the perfect wise saying for public speech or greetings of letter with naturally beautiful cats without struggle to remember it. This will be the perfect gift idea for a new student or a freshman and all generation.

Are you a matured cat lover? Then this photo book is for you! The electric photo book "cats and wise sayings" is available now on AMAZON's Kindle Store!! "Chotto mi Bunko" is pleased to introduce you the bran new type of cat photo book, which is not only pictures of cats but perfectly matching with lively cats and the wise saying which are keenly chose from all ages and places. The cat lover surely love this photo book, also this will be the perfect gift idea for a new student or a freshman and all generation.

Hershey Kamono
Photographer, a nonfiction writer, and editor of a journal.
The theme "local Japan" runs through all of his works.
He travels extensively in all 47 prefectures of Japan, visiting farms and fishing villages, taking photographs, writing reports and essays.
His photo exhibition pieces exceeds over 1,000 (as of 2012).
Born in the year 1973, in Niigata, Kajikawa-mura (current Shibata city).
Blog: http://blog.talemarket.com/