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使える! 実践ことわざ英語

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: メルマガ【実践留学道場】事務局





【注意】 目次には、敢えて、「英語のことわざ」しか載せていません。本書をお読みの後、日本語の意味や関連文法内容が浮かぶかどうか、理解度の確認テストとして、目次をご利用下さい。


【 目次 】


●使える! 実践ことわざ英語
[1-1] Rome was not built in a day. 
[1-2] Necessity is the mother of invention.

[2-1] Seeing is believing.  
[2-2] So many countries, so many customs.

[3-1] Where there is a will, there is a way.  
[3-2] Failure teaches success.

[4-1] Prevention is better than cure.
[4-2] Women are as fickle as the wind.

[5-1] Easy come, easy go.
[5-2] Even a worm will turn.

[6-1] You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
[6-2] Don't put the cart before the horse.

[7-1] When in Rome, do as Romans do.
[7-2] Every bird thinks its own nest charming.

[8-1] Penny wise and pound foolish.
[8-2] You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.

[9-1] Strike while the iron is hot. 
[9-2] Save for a rainy day.

[10-1] Time flies (like an arrow).
[10-2] Time is money.

[11-1] Tomorrow is another day.
[11-2] What he doesn't know can't hurt him.

[12-1] Truth is stranger than fiction.
[12-2] The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong.

[13-1] Too much is as bad as too little.
[13-2] The bird is flown.

[14-1] The die is cast.
[14-2] All good things come to those who wait.

[15-1] Speech is silver, silence is gold.
[15-2] Different strokes for different folks.

[16-1] Jack of all trades is master of none.
[16-2] Speak of the devil.

[17-1] No man is born wise. 
[17-2] A man cannot give what he hasn't got.

[18-1] After the storm comes fair weather.
[18-2] Anything is better than nothing.

[19-1] If you can't beat them, join them.
[19-2] Better pills may have blessed effects.  

[20-1] Experience counts.
[20-2] A rolling stone gathers no moss.

[21-1] The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
[21-2] First come, first served.

[22-1] The pen is mightier than the sword.
[22-2] A bolt from the blue.

[23-1] A little learning is a dangerous thing.
[23-2] Appearances are deceiving.

[24-1] The farthest way about is the nearest way home.
[24-2] Good wine engenders good blood.

[25-1] Age and experience teach wisdom.
[25-2] Misfortunes never come singly.

[26-1] The bigger, the better. 
[26-2] Don't count your chickens before they're hatched.

[27-1] We're in the same boat.
[27-2] Great pains but all in vain.

[28-1] Pearls before swine.
[28-2] Money comes and money goes. 

[29-1] Out of sight, out of mind.
[29-2] Perseverance wins in the end.

[30-1] The early bird catches the worm.
[30-2] Practice makes perfect.


 本書で、英語のことわざをマスターされた後は、是非、実践の場で活用され、ネイティブの教養力に対抗されて下さい。 Good luck!