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A Montessori School Virtual Tour Photo Book - Close up shots inside a real Montessori preschool (Childhood Education)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Montessori Edge Publishing

WARNING : Pre Launch Edition

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Be a Fly on the Wall of a Great Montessori Preschool

A Montessori School Virtual Tour Photo Book let's you be a fly
on the wall inside a real Montessori preschool. This book shows dozen of
professional photos of Montessori materials and activities with description
to give you the best insight possible into what Montessori education is
really about

Professional Photography

Examine Close Up Shots of Montessori Material and activities.
The author describes the photos with brief statements so you can quickly
get a grasp of where they fit in with your child's education.when or before
you visit a Montessori school.

Find Your Bearings in the Montessori Classroom

This virtual tour book helps you identify the core areas you must
find within a genuine Montessori preschool. In addition, it helps you see how
the materials should be laid out and experience first hand how the classrooms
are layed out compared to a conventional daycare center.

A Companion Book

This book was really published as a companion to
The Montessori School Guide for Parents which provides in depth discussion
of the Montessori education principles, methods, materials, school settings and
surroundings as well as staff training and core Montessori methodology.

What is the Pre Launch Edition?

Why a pre-launch

We publish books in pre launch so that we can notify our existing readers
of a new title and get their feedback first so as to put out the highest quality
product on the market.

Complete Text Content

In our pre-launch editions, all the text content is (or should be) completed
lest some editorial changes, and maybe a few typos or grammatical errors
that slipped through the cracks.

In this case we know there are some comments missing and we're changing
images around. in the final version you'll get them all.

Cover and Art Work Design

Opinions changing daily and decisions being made constantly we cannot
guarantee that the cover and interior artwork you're getting is going to be
the final one. Again, by participating in the pre launch you are guaranteed
to get the final version on the date of its release.


Maybe the audiobook is not finished recording or still in editing stages.
No worries though you'll get it first when it's ready for release.