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Earth and Fire, Miraculous of Transmigration.

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: 神崎紫峰
Have you ever seen the real natural ash deposits work?
Here's real natural ash deposits work.
I always have over ten day anagama wood firing.
So all of my works have rich and deep ash color.
This book was published from Korin Co., Ltd. in 1989.
Since all the books were sold out, many person would like to read it.
So I reissued this book on kindle store.
If you read this book on your tablet, you should locked up the tablet.


Shihon Kanzaki's resume.

Shiho Kanzaki is a well known as an anagama potter in Japan.
He is an anagama wood firing potter in Shigaraki, Japan.
He did excavation of old anagama what left in Shigaraki before he built his anagama kiln. As a result, he found that the ancient potters firing for a long term, over one week firing.
So he always have over ten-day anagama wood firing since 1968.
He is one of the pioneer of restoration of the anagama kiln, especially long days firing.
He had his exhibitions at many big department store in Japan.
1942 Born in Shigaraki.
1964 Graduated from law school at Kansai University.
1965 Became a potter/artist -- established a studio in Osaka, and lived in Shigaraki
    He did excavate the old kiln site in Shigaraki, Japan from this time to 1970.

His one man Exhibitios;

Japan art in Frankflt, Germany.
Jahn gallery, Munich, Germany.
All of his works were sold out at his first exhibition at Jahn Gallery.
Mitsukoshi department store;
    Headquarters, Shinjyuku, Takamatsu and Niigata.
Matsuya Ginza departmentstore.
Isetan Department store;
    kichijyouji, Matsudo, Tachikawa, Sagamihara, Takasaki and Shizuoka.
Iwataya department store,.
Isejin Mito department store,
Yamatoyashiki department store.
Tokiha Oita department store.
Saikaya Fujisawa department store.
Tenmaya department store.
Okadaya department store

Gallery Nakamiya in Osaka, Gallery Kamakura
Shinreikyou Kamakura Training house. Gallery Yuyu

Kitakamakura museum.
Kamakura performing artscenter; first showing of the
new texture works.

Canadian film director Claude Gagnon shot his movie "Kamataki" at his studio in Shigaraki.
Movie Kamataki were awarded 5 prizes at Montreal International movie fair
and one prize at Bellin Movie fair.
Canadian film director finished his DVD, The Fire Artist, about Shiho Kanzaki's documentary.
