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God Is Not Great

価格: ¥836
カテゴリ: マスマーケット
ブランド: Hachette Book Group USA
Interesting book ★★★★☆
I advice you to buy both of God Dellusion book for Richard Dawkins and this book "God is not Great". both of them are very interesting for those who like philosophy.
Very enlightening book on regions ★★★★★
The author dig right into the core of inconsistency and irrationality of religions. It is a given the religious will disparage this book as their faith could be shaken by listening too much of this author's opinion. The author laid out his ideas very clearly with a number of relevant examples to back them up. An excellent book.
Better Research Needed ★☆☆☆☆
I heard about this book, and the controversy it was causing, so I gave it a try. Though none of Mr. Hitchens' points are new, the book is well-organized. I was, however, disappointed in some glaring factual mistakes.

For example, Mr. Hitchens states that the writers of the Gospels in the New Testament could not agree on anything of importance. He states that "They flatly contradict each other on the 'Flight into Egypt.' Matthew saying that Joseph was 'warned in a dream' to make an immediate escape" after the birth of Christ, while Luke wrote "that all three stayed in Bethlehem until Mary's 'purification according to the laws of Moses,' which would make it forty days..." The problem with Mr. Hitchens' claim is that THERE IS NO CONTRADICTION IN THE FLIGHT FROM EYGPT.

When I first read about this, I thought it was strange that two Gospel writers would tell such contradictory stories, so I found a Bible and read the sections of Matthew and Luke that deal with these two events. Luke's account of the family staying in Bethlehem covers the time right after Christ's birth. However, Matthew's account of the family's flight into Egypt happened as much as two years after the birth of Christ. These are two separate events happening, possible, years apart, yet Mr. Hitchens claims they are contradictory because they happen at the same time.

Is Mr. Hitchens knowingly lying about these Biblical events in order to make his point? I do not think so because anyone reading the first sections of Matthew and Luke would quickly discover the truth. What I believe happened was that either Mr. Hitchens did not carefully read the Gospels or he learned of this "contradiction" from someone and did not check the Biblical record.

I am sorry to say that I continued to discover other instances in Mr. Hitchens' book where he purposefully, or accidentally, relates events out of order or out of context. If he plans to do any further work on this topic, I hope he spends more time and more carefully research and confirm the information he presents.