This book is a well-rounded introduction to the complications presented by the mental disorders of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). It paints a clear picture of who a narcissist is and who a person with BPD is. You get to learn from this book that narcissism has variations and that each category of narcissists needs to be handled in a unique manner for normalcy or the semblance of it to prevail in life.
One thing that this book brings out clearly is the fact that despite the fact that life is difficult with a narcissist around, the same narcissist can contribute positively in a community if the environment is right, and if people around them understand what to expect of a narcissist. That makes this book all the more valuable because it outlines clearly how to handle each type of narcissist for you to get the best out of them and to keep them from making the social or working environment toxic.
Any time you want to write off a narcissist, read through this book again and get to see where you can place that person as far as categories of narcissism are concerned. Then see what the book says about handling such people. You may be surprised that some steps you may pick from this book can be the solution nobody ever suggested to you before. And hence the person you loathed begins to make fruitful contributions to your group or community, and incidences of friction between the narcissist and other people begin to reduce.