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Strategic Planning - A Pragmatic Guide (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Strategic Planning - A Pragmatic Guide

Strategic Planning - A Pragmatic Guide – delivers a beginning-to-end model and process for strategic planning for executive teams!

Strategic Planning - A Pragmatic Guide is a book derived from the observations and real world experiences of its authors. It is born of two very different, but ultimately converging perspectives on business strategy development and strategic planning, namely that of:
- a professional business and technology strategy consultant who has served numerous Fortune 500 companies;
- a corporate strategic planning executive who has led internal strategic planning and implementation efforts in two Fortune 500 companies.

This “pragmatic guide” provides a framework for strategic planning that is designed to achieve alignment among stakeholders while helping executive teams create and implement, difference-making business strategies -- strategies that are:
- Built to win
- Supported by data
- Financially sound
- Grounded in the practical realities of business
- Realistically actionable

Here are just a few of the questions addressed and answered in Strategic Planning - A Pragmatic Guide

Issues: What are the perplexing problems with strategic planning?
- Why do many executives lack confidence in their organization's strategic plans?
- What are the reasons why many strategic plans fail?
- What are the distinctions between visioning, strategic planning, and budgeting?

Approach: What are the most overlooked, yet critical aspects of strategic planning?
- What should a beginning-to-end planning process look like and accomplish if it is to succeed?
- What are the critical questions to ask (and answer) at each major stage of strategic planning?
- What are the essential elements of a successful, balanced business model?

Context: How are strategic plans affected by the idiosyncrasies of the organization?
- How do we honestly and accurately assesses where we are and where we need to go?
- What are the critical organizational contexts in which strategic planning must be done?
- How can a vision and strategic plans be developed that the entire executive team will embrace and support?
- How are strategic priorities best decided and organized?

Execution: Why is it so difficult to successfully implement strategic plans?
- What are the fundamental secrets to strategic plan execution and accountability?
- How should a strategic plan's impact be monitored and measured?
- What does it take to lead a successful strategic planning team and effort?

These are but a sample of the many valuable and insightful questions asked, debated, and addressed by the authors in the text. It is their hope that the reader will ask and find answers to many other vital questions, and engage in “dialogue” with the authors along the way. To this end, each chapter ends with a set of questions that the authors suggest the reader consider before moving on to the next chapter. When done in earnest, the reader’s responses may be used as way to stimulate strategic conversations among executive teams. This book will help you evaluate the efficacy of strategic planning efforts and outcomes in your own organization.