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Practical NLP 6: Parts, Frames, And Reframing (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Coaching Leaders
A ‘frame’ in NLP, and indeed in psychology, is the context we put around something in order to decide what it means. It’s as if we are drawing a boundary around it which includes part of our experience and excludes the rest. Whatever is inside the boundary, we use as the context to make sense of the thing or event, and whatever is outside the boundary is ignored.

In this book we will identify some of the less helpful frames that people often use, and consider what you could use instead. Then we’ll learn about some useful ’standard’ frames that NLP has identified, and how we can use them.

You will also be discovering two methods of reframing ideas or statements to get people to change their minds, by changing either the context in which they are seeing an event, or the meaning that they give to it.

You will also get simple, clear instructions for doing one-word reframes and a step-by-step process for 'outframing' limiting beliefs by looking at them from different viewpoints.

Plus you will learn about the power of making a distinction between an action and the intention behind it, and about how to use John Grinder's changework technique called the Six-Step Reframe, which you can use to mobilise the resources of your unconscious mind to deal with any problem.

Finally, you will discover how to recognise and utilise incongruity, and how to resolve inner conflicts and dilemmas using another powerful personal development technique, Parts Integration - which incidentally will give you some insights into conflict resolution and mediation in the wider world. So let's get started!