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Sit N Fit Chair Yoga: Simple Chair Yoga (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
SIT N FIT CHAIR YOGA - Simple Chair Yoga - was created to give those who could not do standing exercise the full experience of a yoga class while sitting in a chair. Benefits include: increased oxygenation, circulation, flexibility, balance and strength, improved posture, and elicitation of the relaxation response.

Sit N Fit Chair Yoga teaches: simple breathing techniques, seated and (optional) standing yoga poses, Tense and Relax exercise, guided total body relaxation and visualizations of regenerated health.

The movements are progressive, comprehensive, and sequenced for greatest ease and benefit. The practice was developed to open and create space where the natural pull of gravity has compressed or constricted space. This allows oxygen and blood to go into the cells and nourish them. The lymphatic system is also stimulated, detoxifying and cleansing the cells. By increasing circulation, all the systems, glands, hormones, and organs of the body are able to function more efficiently. Sit N Fit Chair Yoga elicits the relaxation response releasing stress, tension, and emotional trauma that can be held in our cells from going through our everyday life.

The yoga practice is personalized. Every student is instructed to “listen to your body” and “work your edge, the point of gentle resistance”. However, if you feel pain, you should stop, relax, and breathe. Students may modify the pose to accommodate their body, or simply visualize the pose. As students’ progress, and only if it is appropriate, the standing poses can replace the identical seated poses. For safety, use a sturdy non-collapsible chair.