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MEN WHO CAN'T LOVE (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Carter/Sokol
This is the life-changing and groundbreaking international and New York Times bestseller that first introduced the term "commitmentphobia". Here’s the problem: Many men have an exaggerated fear of commitment. If you are a contemporary woman, there is a very good chance that you are going to be involved with at least one man who chooses to walk away from love. It may be the man who doesn’t call after a particularly good first date; it may be the ardent pursuer who woos you only to leave after the first night of sex; it may be the trusted boyfriend and lover who sabotages the relationship just as it heads for marriage, or it may be the husband who waits until after marriage to respond to the enormity of his commitment by ignoring your emotional needs and becoming unfaithful or abusive. Whenever it happens, chances are you are dealing with a man who has an abnormal response to the notion of commitment.

Steven Carter and Julia Sokol are considered to be the leading authorities on the topic of commitment fear. They are co-authors of the international bestsellers, WHAT SMART WOMEN KNOW, HELP! I'M IN LOVE WITH A NARCISSIST, MEN LIKE WOMEN WHO LIKE THEMSELVES, GETTING TO COMMITMENT, and LOVE & SELF-ESTEEM. Since they first coined the term commitmentphobia and painted a comprehensive picture of the symptoms of this complex problem, they have been recognized relationship experts, and have been interviewed by most major newspapers, including The New York Times, the Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, The Wall Street Journal, and The Los Angeles Times. They have appeared on television and radio talk shows such as Oprah, The Today Show, and Good Morning America.

"The first book of its type to address the problems of courtship in today’s very complex world"
---West Coast Review of Books

---Houston Chronicle