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価格: ¥9,975
カテゴリ: 単行本
ブランド: 南江堂
【セブン-イレブンで24時間受取りOK・送料0円!】 著者/訳者名:藤田恒太郎/著 出版社名:南江堂 発行年月:2003年09月 関連キーワード:ジンタイ カイボウガク じんたい かいぼうがく、 フジタ,ツネタロウ ふじた,つねたろう、 ナンコウドウ ナンコウドウ 5626 なんこうどう なんこうどう 5626 本書は初めて解剖学を学ばれる医学生諸君を目あてに書かれたものである。改訂第42版では、今日の学問の発展に合わなくなった記述を改め、医学の諸分野における新しい概念や知見を取り入れた。 緒論骨格系筋系内臓学脈管系神経系感覚器
Cheap, average quality, a bargain if that's what you want ★★★☆☆
As a translator, I use bilingual anatomical atlases as references. They can be quite useful in medical translation. It serves as a classified anatomy dictionary and its pictures and illustrations allow me to better conceptualize source texts.

This book, Jintai kaibougaku, is certainly the cheapest of the atlases I have looked at.

As a translator, I find the index to be the single most important feature. Jintai kaibougaku's index is only of average size (17 pages of Japanese entries). Nihon jintai kaibougaku is much larger (79 pages), although it is also much more expensive.

Aesthetically, Jintai kaibougaku is also average, a softback with limited photos and many paintings and drawings. I believe that aesthetically the bilingual edition of the Color Atlas of Human Anatomy (5ed) is superior -- but also more expensive.

A 2003 publication, Jintai kaibougaku is not exactly dated, but the bilingual edition of the Color Atlas of Human Anatomy (5ed) and the bilingual edition of Grant's Atlas of Anatomy (9ed) are both newer.

医学部低学年のための教科書 ★★★★☆