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Light Language Emerging: Activating Ascension Codes and Integrating Body, Soul, and Spirit (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
For eons, humans have been locked in a shallow understanding of who we are as spirit beings. While our linear thinking may help us feel safe, it can also limit us from communicating on a deep soul level with our Creator. It is when we bypass human reasoning, if only for a brief moment, that we tap into a realm where we join with something so pure and wonderful that it defies logical explanation. It is these moments that allow us to know that our experiences in those dimensions are more real than our daily lives that greatly ignore the divine aspect of who we are.
Light is the language of the soul, which allows us to communicate directly with Source without the interference of the mind, while activating codes to assist with healing and restoration on all levels. Discover the sacred artistic tools of light language for opening DNA strands required for bodily ascension. Learn how to move in sync with Spirit to bring restoration to all creation as you integrate aspects of your multidimensional soul for a unified expression of your highest self.