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Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Write On!
Do you feel like a misfit in your own life and body? Maybe you awoke from a strange dream too vivid not to be real. Have you survived a near-death experience, had an out-of-body occurrence, or dissociative episode, or soul exchange? Others may have noticed the change and made comments like, “You act like a totally different person.” Inwardly, you may be confused, overly sensitive, or so anxious it feels as though your nervous system has been hooked to an electric power line.

What if a multidimensional form of yourself—from a realm of purer consciousness—has arrived to guide you through the challenging times we are facing? Perhaps your soul has received a download from an ascended master, or your twin flame has merged with your energy. Might that explain the sudden changes you are experiencing?

You may be one of the millions of people who are spiritually growing faster than your body can tolerate. What you are experiencing is a normal response known as ascension symptoms. Regardless of what has happened, you may need help integrating these higher frequencies that are now available to you.

Shifting into Purer Consciousness shares how the author integrated the accelerated frequencies of several quantum leaps she has taken on her spiritual path. Once she learned to manage the human experience of spiritual transformation, she became active in working to anchor her light body and help the earth and others ascend.