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Make it Count: Tips on Unlocking Your Vision (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Nicspire
Nicole McLaren Campbell is a Princeton educated entrepreneur and professional speaker who lives with her husband and young children in Kingston, Jamaica.
"By sharing personal stories and examples of how I work through obstacles in my life, I hope to show you that you can do the same. From this book I want you to see, or be reminded (in the same way I have) that successful people aren’t born that way, and with the right toolkit we can all do what successful people do, and find our own success. I’ve long felt the calling to become an author, and I see myself reaching millions of people through text. Writing a book has felt, and still feels, so intimidating ... so I started the way I recommend you start on a goal that feels too huge -  with a first step. Welcome to my first ebook – a short set of tips in 5 key areas – the 5 areas are ones that I believe must be mastered if you hope to unlock your vision and maximize your potential: Fear, Having the Courage to Ask for What You Want, Procrastination, Tuning into Your Purpose and Staying Motivated. By showing you how I keep moving in spite of, and often beyond, the most common obstacles that lead us to stand in our own way, I hope that you feel empowered to keep moving!"