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価格: ¥2,520
カテゴリ: 単行本
ブランド: 早川書房
   小説中のコミックが小説そのものに生命の息吹を与えるように、『The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay』は現実もフィクションの世界をも越えてしまった。ゴーレムや魔術から、奇跡的な逃亡や極悪非道な大敵、緊迫した南極調査競争まで登場するこの本が追い求めるのは愛と憎しみ、空想と芸術という最も重いテーマ。だが作品全体は夢と希望に燃えている。



   まだまだ驚くような冒険が続くが、読者の楽しみを奪うつもりはない。マイケル・シェイボンは、この「エスケーピストの破滅」と似たような小説を書いている、と言うにとどめておこう。前作『The Mysteries of Pittsburgh』(邦題『ピッツバーグの秘密の夏』)や『Wonder Boys』(邦題『ワンダー・ボーイズ』)もきらりと光るウィットに富んだ作品だが、今回の作品でようやく作家としての彼の才能を発揮できる大きなキャンバスを見つけたようだ。


いわゆる「まんが道」である。 ★★★★☆


A Love Story Writ Large ★★★★★
Following in the tradition of many renowned novelists of the twentieth century, Michael Chabon sets his love story, 'The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay,' in a large city. Mr Chabon contributes much here to the urban legend of New York City. A troika of major characters, Joe Kavalier, Rosa Saks, and Sammy Clay, joins with a cast of minor characters so believable that they seem like neighbors. The comic book characters drawn by these three sketch artists come to life as well.

Mr Chabon's prose is passionate and, yes, purple in places, a narrative device used to lift the lyricism off the page. Sometimes I looked up unfamiliar words; sometimes I didn't. I found Leo Rosten's 'The Joys of Yiddish' useful for looking up Golem of Prague and some Yiddish words. I enjoyed all the references to Harry Houdini; for the reader who wants to know more about him, I recommend reading 'Houdini!!!' by Kenneth Silverman. Mr Chabon provides a clue to his extensive research in his Author's Note and gives excellent suggestions for reading more about New York City during the 1930s to 1950s; Prague during the 1930s to 1940s; magic, magicians, and escape artists; the Antarctic; the Kabbalah; radio and comic books; and Levittown. 'Kavalier & Clay' is a tender love story writ large that caresses some controversial themes with sensitivity, humor, and grace and well deserves its Pulitzer Prize.

The American Dream in Comics? ★★★★★
All too often, I have found so-called "great" books depressing. However, I found in Michael Chabon`s latest novel, a plot, which throughout the emotional ups and downs, maintains a thread of hope, although at times only as fine as a spider`s silk, just barely there. THE ESCAPIST reaches out to the escapist in all of us. For who, at some point in their life, has not wanted to run away from something. The questions remain, however, as to where one is running, as well has how.

I can relate: as a full-time Japanese housewife and fishing widow (like a football widow) with salaryman husband (long commute,) two active little boys, and no babysitter, of course, I have only just reached the stage where I can usually keep up with the front page each day (catching up, occasionally, when I chance upon a missed day`s issue while wrapping fish entrails.) Yet somehow, I managed to read this adult`s novel all the way to the satisfying close in less than a week: a feat I have not accomplished since the birth of my first-born. I kept wanting to know more: it kept me hoping, and delivered. Yet this is no typical American Dream. There is no TYPICAL American Dream, anyway.