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太陽の法―エル・カンターレへの道 (OR books)

価格: ¥2,100
カテゴリ: 単行本
ブランド: 幸福の科学出版
「一念三千論」「愛の発展段階説」 ★★★★★



新しい時代の聖書です ★★★★★

The MOST IMPORTANT book in my life ★★★★★
These days we’re always bombarded, “the greatest”, “the best” or “a true masterpiece” for many books, music and films. We sometimes get lost as to what is worthwhile of our attention and what is simply wasting our time. To me, what is worthwhile to my precious time is when something has a true impact on my life and changes it into something positive that has real meaning. I am not talking about, for example, seeing a great movie and leaving the cinema feeling moved and then the following week continuing your life as it was. I am talking about being affected by a light that slowly glimmers in the core of your heart and continues to shine more brightly with each passing day. Every cell of you body feels reinvigorated. Every part of your consciousness has expanded permanently. There is a concrete result − the evidence of the life around you, and how it has evolved for the better.

To me, this book is one of those special items that encapsulates that light.

I read this book in 1998. At that time I was living in darkness. I was living in England, had lost my first job from graduation, broke up with my girlfriend, had no money, was addicted to alcohol/smoking and living a life of hedonism. My life was a mess and I was deeply unhappy.

The discovery of this book has been the shining beacon in my life.

Now it is 2006. I am living in times of serenity, love, dreams and happiness. I am living in my favourite country of Japan, have a stable job as a graphic designer, recently married to the girl of my dreams in April and she is now expecting a baby in February. I am healthy with no addictions and live a balanced and happy life. Simply, without following the advice in this book and having faith in what it expresses, I would not have any of these things. I feel deeply grateful.

I could write so much about this book − I wish I had the space. I just want to say that the ‘Chapter Three: The River of Love’ has the power to cause a beautiful awakening in all of our hearts. It is written with such simplicity but profundity. It has such resonance to my soul and I wish I could pass on what was written in this chapter to everyone I meet in life. In fact, it has so much meaning to me it was used in my marriage ceremony. It says, “Love is the greatest power in the universe. Love is invincible.” If this extract has no resonance in your heart, you simply do not understand what it means to be a human being.

I recommend you to read this book with an open-mind, soak in the wisdom and let it’s Truth lift your heart. Follow and trust in it’s message, and rise beyond the conditioned mind we all gain from school, work and society − I am sure it will lead you to a blissful place of happiness. It has done so to my own life.

...with love, light and happiness.
こんな壮大な本見たことない ★★★★★

自分の価値基準がかわります ★★★★★