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The Time Machine

価格: ¥421
カテゴリ: マスマーケット
ブランド: Signet Classics
I saw the movie first. The book difference was a surprise ★★★★★
An unnamed time traveler sees the future of man (802,701 A.D.) and then the inevitable future of the world. He tells his tale in detail.

I grew up on the Rod Taylor /George Pal movie. When I started the book I expected it to be slightly different with a tad more complexity as with most book/movie relationships. I was surprised to find the reason for the breakup of species (Morlock and Eloi) was class Vs atomic (in later movie versions it was political). I could live with that but to find that some little pink thing replaced Yvette Mimieux was too munch.

After all the surprises we can look at the story as unique in its time, first published in 1895, yet the message is timeless. The writing and timing could not have been better. And the ending was certainly appropriate for the world that he describes. Possibly if the story were written today the species division would be based on eugenics.

これぞSFの金字塔! ★★★★★
最早解説の必要もあるまい、語り手が独自の時間理論に基づく"Time Machine"に乗り込んで80万年後の未来へと旅をし、階級社会の恐るべき帰結を目撃すると云う、SF史上に燦然と輝く不朽の名作である。時間と云う概念を機械技術との結合によって操作可能なものとして描いてみせた点、共産主義的な悪夢によるディストピア社会の描写、地質学的単位で繰り広げられる壮大な地球衰退の物語、どれを取っても、つまらぬ日常に拘束された読者達をあっと言わせ、後生の作家達に多大な影響を与えずにはおかなかった、傑出した歴史的業績である。そして一介のサイエンス・ライターであったウェルズが作家としてデビューした記念すべき第一歩であり、人類の文学が新たな表現形式を獲得した素晴らしい変革の書である。

人類の未来は.... ★★★☆☆
I saw the movie first. The book difference was a surprise. ★★★★★
An unnamed time traveler sees the future of man (802,701 A.D.) and then the inevitable future of the world. He tells his tale in detail.

I grew up on the Rod Taylor /George Pal movie. When I started the book I expected it to be slightly different with a tad more complexity as with most book/movie relationships. I was surprised to find the reason for the breakup of species (Morlock and Eloi) was class Vs atomic (in later movie versions it was political). I could live with that but to find that some little pink thing replaced Yvette Mimieux was too munch.

After al the surprises we can look at the story as unique in its time, first published in 1895, yet the message is timeless. The writing and timing could not have been better. And the ending was certainly appropriate for the world that he describes. Possibly if the story were written today the species division would be based on eugenics.

人類の未来は・・・ ★★★★★
御存知の方も多いと思いますが、天才的化学者"the Time Traveler"がタイムマシンに乗って、約80万年後の未来に旅し、そこで体験した事がメインに書かれています。その世界では、人類は、地上人と地底人の2種類に分かれ生活しているのですが、彼等の相互関係は・・・!

ページ的には少ないですが、かなり濃度の濃い作品です。初版は1895年ですが、「最近、出版されました」と言われても全く疑いの無い新鮮さです。現在の(H.G.WELLS氏にとっては100年前ですが)社会からいかにして80万年後の社会に至ったかという、"the Time Traveler"の推測も「なるほど!」とうなずける面白さですし、彼が体験する冒険も息を飲む激しさです。
