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価格: ¥1,008
カテゴリ: CD
ブランド: Domino
Kieran Hebden is, it has to be said, something of a genius. The groundwork for Pause was laid on Dialogue--his debut solo album under the guise of Four Tet--landed in 1999, and immediately went about redrawing the parameters of inventive dance music. A peculiar mix of live-sounding instrumental jazz and technologically super-precise laptop dance trickery, it sounded nothing like Hebden's actual group--his day job is spent toiling in occasionally inspired post-rockers Fridge--and, as it happened, very little like anything else in existence. While not as radical a statement as Dialogue seemed, Pause is a definite update--a second brave step into the great beyond; where Dialogue employed jazz sax and flute in its evocation of a 21st-century jazz meltdown, Pause goes even further, coiling whispers of harp and zither over layer-on-layers of fidgeting, rattling percussion. His inspirations? Well, like his friend and protégé, Canadian tech-wizard Manitoba (whose excellent Start Breaking My Heart is easily the equal of Pause), Hebden collects sounds and melodies from a dizzying array of places--ancient British folk music, the rattle of typewriter keys, the gurgle of running water, even a field recording of a children's playground. Genius? There really is no other word for it. --Louis Pattison
肩の力の抜けた。 ★★★★★
 englandのポストロックバンドfridgeのguitarist、Kieran Hebdenのソロプロジェクトの2nd album。

 fridgeではどちらかというとタイトで不穏なhard ocreでしたが、こちらはその反動かなかなかpop。
 ジャンルでいうとelectronica/popを中心にfree jazz、big beatやexperimentalなどを、結構肩の力を抜いた感じで聴かせてくれます。

 その影響は同時期にリリースされたfridgeの4th album "happiness"やfour tet自身の今作以降のリリースにも顕著に現れていたりします。

Pause ★★★☆☆
FridgeのメンバーのソロプロジェックトがこのFour Tet。


自分はFour Tet自体はそんな大好きって訳じゃないんですが定期的に聴きたくなる、そんな音です。
フォークトロニカの名盤 ★★★★★