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Yogic Arts: Awakening Level [DVD] [Import]

価格: ¥1,244
カテゴリ: DVD
ブランド: Acacia
Duncan Wong's Yogic Arts � Awakening Level is an interesting combination of styles that should intrigue and perhaps even enlighten many users. A lot of yoga and other exercise videos make lofty claims about what they'll do for you, and this is no exception. Boasting that it offers "the power to transform you," Wong's routine, which he variously describes as "a synthesis of yoga, martial arts, and massage" and "an alchemy of science, spirit, and art," may fall a little short of that promise; nevertheless, Wong is certainly on the money when he notes that "breath is the key," and the "Prana Prep" first step focuses on the importance of pranayama, including kapalabhati (the "breath of fire") and ujjayi. Yet while Wong's directions are clear and precise, these are two reasonably advanced breathing techniques that no beginner can be expected to master without considerable repetition and perhaps more detailed instructions than are provided here; in general, newcomers should consider checking out all of these routines at least once before actually doing them. Elsewhere, the video's "Energy Practice" and "Gluteal Ground Work" sections incorporate a number of movements (kicks, thrusts, etc.) that will be familiar to martial arts practitioners, while other chapters contain many common yoga asanas, including downward- and upward-facing dog, warrior I and II (again incorporating some martial arts arm movements), hip openers, forward and backbends, lunges, stretches, extensions, and twists. Wong also includes sequences focusing primarily on the wrists and shoulders; he also spends a good deal of time stretching and flexing the toes and tops of the feet, two areas that don't get a lot of attention in most yoga workouts. Challenging but not especially rigorous, the DVD includes two 30-minute workouts drawn from elements of the hour-long main program. --Sam Graham
とてもいいです。 ★★★★☆



アートワーク的DVD ★★★★★

ヨギックアーツ独特のムーブメントがタイトル通りawakening level向けに構成されていて、ヨギックアーツビギナーの方は勿論、既にテクニックに親しみを持っているYA プラクティショナーの方にも必見です。 
