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妙高型重巡 完全版―二度の改装で進化を遂げた日本初の1万トン型巡洋艦 (歴史群像 太平洋戦史シリーズ Vol. 69)

価格: ¥2,100
カテゴリ: ムック
ブランド: 学研パブリッシング
A little disappointed, to be honest ★★☆☆☆
I have high expectation on this book, as Gakken's pacific war series has huge number of fans. The 65th Kongo 2nd, is quite a good addition to the first vol 21th. But this Myoko 2nd is just a chicken bone. Only 165 pg comparing to normal 190pg, this short volume wasted pg 47 to pg 78 on cheaply produced 3dcg, two view of the cruiser after each modification. Those are not detailed 3dcg, nothing close to the ones from 3dcg series, for example 'Takao class'. The black and white war time photoes in this book, most of them I already have. Articles still worth of read. But in general, I am disappointed.

All in all, I have a feeling editors are running out of idea, about what to mention in this series. I am wondering why there is no dedicated volumes to carrier Akagi/Kaga, even though they were mentioned in vol 14th. I did not buy those volumes talking about U.S airplane and warships, coz there are tons of better books on such topic from west.