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An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth

価格: ¥1,355
カテゴリ: ペーパーバック
ブランド: Beacon Press
彼の内面の書 ★★★★★
星をいくつにするかは迷うところです。 書かれている主なテーマは、インド独立に貢献した彼の活動の足跡というより、その時々の彼の内面、それも思想というより、彼の心的こだわり(学んだ教訓というべきかもしれませんが)といったものが中心で、当時の歴史をある程度知っていることを前提に書かれています。そのためガンジー初心者の私には、出来事や、人名や地名など固有名詞も未知の世界で、読み進めるのに大変苦労をしました。


けれど最後の章を手がかりに、彼の思想の核心 Ahimsa の意味に悪戦苦闘し、その意味が理解できた時(正確には理解出来たように思えたとき)、この本の輝きは一変しました。彼の思想の核心を語っている素晴らしい本です。「無抵抗不服従」などと訳されている彼の運動も、そのAhimsaから理解すると、とても豊かな内容に見えてきます。その意味で星5つです。(詳細 http://www.geocities.jp/yamanob3/ee_page22.htm)

真実の探求 ★★★★☆


Everyone should read this book ★★★★★
In his own words, Gandhi takes us through some of the experiences in his life, with each chapter forming at least one important learning lesson to him. All experiences, whether good or bad, had a positive learning lesson on him and contributed to his goal of seeking the truth.

One of his main beliefs was using non-violence as a means of protesting against acts of oppression and using international law to seek justice. This meant he never raised his fists or lowered himself to barbarism however much he was provoked, violated or attacked. In fact this seems to be the opposite attitude demonstrated by all terrorists and most countries (West, Middle East and East) where the belief is that violence and war works. As Gandhi says "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind".

As we have now entered the third of the world wars, where the weapons are horrific and the consequences unimaginable, Gandhi's words have never been more important. All politicians and world leaders should read this book. In fact everyone should read this book.