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A People's History of the United States (P.S.)

価格: ¥1,450
カテゴリ: ペーパーバック
ブランド: Harper Perennial Modern Classics
『A People's History of the United States : Highlights from the 20th Century』オーディオCD版を試聴する


Avoid Zinn! He Is Not a Trustworthy Source ★☆☆☆☆
Howard Zinn has demonstrated throughout his academic career that a Marxist template is often the most wildly inaccurate and least valuable method of historical assessment. In this history, he perpetuates his record of disdaining reality in service of his dialectical fantasies.

If you are interested in an extremely far-left version of history, then this may serve to reinforce your prejudices and milearning. If you prefer a more objective point of view, it is my opinion that you should keep looking.
開眼しました ★★★★★
まさに「People's History」と呼ぶにふさわしいものとなっています。


A People's History of the United States ★★★★★
Howard Zinn, delving deep into original texts, has ingeniusly woven together a tapestry of first-hand voices and texts stretching back to the beginning of America's history. These voices reach us still with undiluted force. The effect of reading this book is to make one more aware of the people and 'voices' that usually go unseen and unheard. Once you have read 'A People's History of the United States', the perspective you thought you had on the history of that country will be changed forever. Read this book. It will open your eyes.
A People's History of the United States ★★★★★
Once you have read 'A People's History of the United States', the perspective you thought you had on the history of that country will be changed forever. Howard Zinn, delving deep into original texts, has ingeniusly woven together a tapestry of first-hand voices and texts stretching back to the beginning of America's history. These voices reach us still with undiluted force. The effect of reading this book is to make one more aware of the people and 'voices' that usually go unseen and unheard. Read this book. It will open your eyes.
現代という時代を知る手がかりに ★★★★★
