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Dead Until Dark: A Sookie Stackhouse Novel (Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood)

価格: ¥652
カテゴリ: マスマーケット
ブランド: Ace
テレパスの能力を持った女性のロマンス ★★★★★
vampire book lover ★★★★☆
This book is really similar to other vampire romance books which were released recently, like the twilight saga, the vampire diaries. I really think True Blood is so different to this book and as others say, Bill is portrayed as being more like a scary vampire compared to True Blood where he is too sweet and too adorable, may be its because i like Stephen Moyer so much.

Twilight saga is still better for me, however this is also a great book, definitely addictive but not as Twilight.

I would highly recommend this book for people who are addicted to vampire books, like me and for others as well.

P.s. this is from the POV of a 17yr old girl so for adults this series may be much better compared to the twilight series
Good But Not great ★★★☆☆
it's a funny story..and quite good..it's kinda related to other vampire story..it's an interesting piece..I just wish more challenging lines..i mean more romance..it's kinda bit weird...read it for yourself...
A vampire thriller for the rest of us ★★★★★
My baby sister has been into the whole anne rice vampire sex thing for a while now, and I haven't been able to quite see her point of veiw in the genre. After avoiding them for a few years, though, I was finally forced into them as a result of living in Japan and having seriously limited sources for English books.

Let me just tell you, this book is a treasure. The main character may have otherworldly powers, but she isn't superman, and the rest of the world doesn't treat her like one. She's smart, but she isn't unbelievably so. the romance isn't saccharine, but it's sweet, and doesn't fill up the whole book-- but there's enough of it to make chick flick watchers happy. I would definitely suggest this to fans of the genre, and non-fans, as well.
どこかで読んだことがあるような設定 . . . .? ★★★★☆
そう、Laurell K. HamiltonのAnita Blakeに酷似しています。ただし、もっとマイルドな仕上がりです。Ms Hamiltonの作品はもっと血みどろで生々しく、ほとんどポルノといっても良いくらいですが、これは万人向きというのでしょうか、穏やかな表現です。連続殺人だけでなく、それ以外にもいろいろな出来事が次々と起こります。これもMs Hamiltonの手法と同じ、ただしテンポは遅いですが。

あまりにも似ているので、ついつい比較してしまうので、Ms Hamiltonの作品が好きとおっしゃる方は物足りないと感じられると思いますが、それなりに楽しめる作品です。Dark Fantasyやホラーが苦手な方にも読んでいただける程度の内容です。シリーズ化されており、現在第4作が発行されております。(2004年5月現在)

ちなみに私は電子書籍版で読みました。MS readerとAdobe readerの2つのフォーマットがあります。