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Brokeback Mountain: Story to Screenplay

価格: ¥1,623
カテゴリ: ペーパーバック
ブランド: Scribner
アニー・プルーは、現代文学でも最高にオリジナルで素晴らしい短編小説を書いてきた。しかし多くの読者と書評家が彼女の最高傑作にあげるのが、『Brokeback Mountain』である。

『Brokeback Mountain』は当初ニューヨーカー誌に掲載され、全米雑誌賞のほか、O.ヘンリー賞も受賞した。この本に描かれているのは、牧場労働者とロデオ・カウボーイの危険で困難な恋愛に関する、忘れられない物語だ。さらに、ラリー・マクマーティとダイアナ・オッサナの共同執筆による、映画版『Brokeback Mountain』の脚本も収録。この高い評価を得た小説を映画化していく過程について、3人の執筆者はそれぞれエッセイを寄せている。
彼らが何を英語で言っていたのか知りたかった ★★☆☆☆
削ぎ落とすだけ削ぎ落として・・・原石の美文を読んだ ★★★★☆
Opinion ★★★★★
I highly recommend any of Annie Proulx's work. 'Brokeback' is a short story not a novel, that has been expanded into a a full length feature film. The original Story appeared in the New Yorker in the Late 1990's and I remember being very touched by it back then. It was also interesting to read the McMurtry/Ossana screen play in which the roles of the women were enlarged--even created from scratch. There is a darkness to this story that troubled me, the underlying violent tensions. This is a raw story of true emotions. The actual movie bothered me because of the good looking actors portraying the main characters is not true to the story. I also do not care for all the 'straight' hype concerning this flick. It has become a badge of honor for straight men to go see this movie and prove how enlightened they are, while other men immediately demean it because of the subject matter. I don't think most straight men are ever going to be comfortable watching a gay cowboy movie with explicit sex, its just not in their DNA. It doesn’t make them bad its just the way they are (just like the characters Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mar can't help the way they are). I also enjoyed the writers essays on bringing this story to the big screen. The book also includes Black and white photos from the movie--which again take away from the story for me as the actors do not look like the characters described in the book. The book concludes with the movies credits which is probably of interest to movie buffs, but meant nothing to me. In conclusion if you’re a big fan of the movie youll probably love this book.
Opinion ★★★★★
Both the story and screenplay will move you to tears, make you feel like someone's pulling your guts out hand over hand a yard at a time, as Annie Proulx writes of Ennis. They will also make you treasure love more. The screenplay is one of the best I've read -- a terrific read and a faithful adaptation and expansion. If you're interested in delving deeper into the lives and loves of these characters and the starkly beautiful honesty of this world, buy this book. The screenplay and the essays by Annie Proulx and the two screenwriters, Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana, offer a good deal of insight and color, from the germ of an idea for a short story to final film. Fascinating and powerful.
Both the story and screenplay will move you to tears ★★★★★
Make you feel like someone's pulling your guts out hand over hand a yard at a time, as Annie Proulx writes of Ennis. They will also make you treasure love more. The screenplay is one of the best I've read -- a terrific read and a faithful adaptation and expansion. If you're interested in delving deeper into the lives and loves of these characters and the starkly beautiful honesty of this world, buy this book. The screenplay and the essays by Annie Proulx and the two screenwriters, Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana, offer a good deal of insight and color, from the germ of an idea for a short story to final film. Fascinating and powerful.