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Title: Walking Wounded

価格: ¥1,047
カテゴリ: CD
ブランド: Atlantic / Wea
Ben Watt and Tracey Thorn of Everything but the Girl have done their share of style-hopping, from jazz pop to Britpop to orchestral pop to contemporary R&B to jazzy R&B. Their seventh album, 1996's Walking Wounded, finds the duo landing, good as new, onto the dance floor with a batch of songs based around techno-derived beats. The shift toward electronics may seem extreme for a group that courted adult audiences, but given the huge success of their 1994 beat-driven remix single "Missing" and their fruitful collaborations on Massive Attack's breakthrough trip-hop record Protection, the rewards of embracing club sounds had already been well proven. Everything but the Girl's music has always focused on Thorn's lush, soulful voice--a tribute to its versatility, it weathered well through all the group's stylistic incarnations. Walking Wounded, however, introduces a second focal point in the insanely attractive, intricately sculpted beats of the jungle offshoot drum & bass. On cuts like "Before Today," "Single," and the title track, the interaction of a beat's minutely detailed rhythms and a voice that rides smoothly over the top makes for an elegant symbiosis. And even with the help of progressive dance specialists like Howie B. and Spring Heel Jack, Everything but the Girl retains a maturity that shouldn't alienate old fans. --Roni Sarig
こんな感じの人には合うと思う。 ★★★★☆

Single? ★★★★★
収録曲数も実際は11曲で、9曲目にGood cop bad cop、10,11曲目にWrong(Todd Terry),Walking wonded(Omni trio)Remixが収められている。
進取の気性 ★★★★☆
当時ベン・ワットはドラムン・ベースを「21世紀のボサ・ノヴァ」と捉えていたらしい。このアルバムはまさしく、けだるい夏の午後にビールでも飲みながら、過ぎゆく季節をぼんやり眺めつつ聴く種類の音楽。いずれにしても、斬新なトラックが意外なほどにトレイシーのクールに憂うヴォーカルにフィットしている。彼らのドラスティックな変化を、ファンとしてはつとめて冷静に「でもこれって相変わらずイービーティージーじゃん」と言い切りたい。聴くほどにそう思えてくる。冒頭の「Before Today」や「Flipside」なんかがとてもクール。
アルバムが気に入ったら・・・・・ ★★★☆☆
こっちよりEBTG vsDrum'n'Bassを購入することをオススメします!