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The Collectors

価格: ¥829
カテゴリ: マスマーケット
ブランド: Grand Central Publishing
惹きつけるストリー ★★★★☆
この著者の作品は、Hour Gameに続き二作目であるが、いろんな複線をはったストリーが
ここで出てくるCamel Clubのメンバーも面白いキャラクターで、同名の作品も期待出来そう
なので早く読んでみたい。また次回作Stone Coldもa Camel Club thrillerと予告されている
Not his best ★★★☆☆
This is the follow up to The Camel Club and is actually better. I found the Camel Club a little weak; a number of interesting characters but the plot was a bit contrived and not very satisfying. This makes far better use of the characters and develops them a little and introduces a young, female, con artist into the mix. In fact the first half of the book is two parallel stories that eventually merge as the con artist joins the Camel Club to help solve a murder and uncover a conspiracy. The ending somewhat sets up a follow up book, and (based on this evidence) that is not a bad thing!!! I'd recommend reading the mesmerising and highly evocative novel The Fates by Tino Georgiou--instead!