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Richard Scarry's Cars and Trucks from A to Z (A Chunky Book(R))

価格: ¥414
カテゴリ: ボードブック
ブランド: Random House Books for Young Readers
手のひらサイズがちょうどいい ★★★★★
大人が見ても楽しい? ★★★★★

小さくてかわいい絵本 ★★★★☆
うちの息子(1歳3ヶ月)は車が好きなので気に入ったようです。小さくて軽いので、部屋中を歩きながらパラパラめくって読んで?います。ただ、あくまでrichard scarryの世界なので、車に見えるものは「バス」「ブーブー」と指差していますが、例えば、Bのbananamobileは「ばなな!」と言っています。それはそれで我が家は楽しんでいますが、richard scarryをご存じない方はもしかしたら拍子抜けしちゃうかも。でも小さなお子様にはおすすめです。
Irresistible to small children! ★★★★★
My 15-month old son ADORES this book -- it is always his first choice for reading time, and he likes to have it read to him again and again (in one sitting). This gradual lengthening of story time has allowed him to get used to longer stories about cars and trucks, and other things that interest him (like Jamberry -- a book he loves because he loves berries, even though the storyline is over his comprehension level).

One of the reviews in Japanese questions the usage of made-up cars (i.e. egg-car, zipper-mobile), and thinks that perhaps the book is less than adequate because of it. I disagree wholeheartedly. The amusement with with children see the tiny lemon car, or the hot dog car (and I rush to point out that there ARE a few hot dog cars in the USA) compels them to read more and to use their imaginations. How creative it is to see a car made from a yogurt pot! Even my 3 1/2 year old loves to see the different cars, although for her, a single reading per day suffices. We are buying a second book because our first has been so well loved in just 6 weeks.

すごくかわいい!! ★★★★☆
値段の割に本もしっかりしていていろいろな車が載っていてbusy townの世界満載のかわいい絵本です。
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