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The Twits

価格: ¥978
カテゴリ: ペーパーバック
ブランド: Puffin Books
小学生が大好き ★★★★☆
この本はイギリスの小学生が誰もが知っていて大好きな話です。わが子も現地の小学2年のときまだ英語もよくわかっていなかったときに、先生に読んでもらって大好きな話でした。Roald Dahlのほかの物語も小学校の授業で取り上げていたようです。6歳から7歳の子が対象のようでした。どこの国も子供が面白がるのはちょっとばかばかしいように感じるようなことなのだなあと、妙に感心してしまいました。わが子は特にワーミー・スパゲッティーのところが好きでした。
Roald Dahl's twisted tale of the terrible Mr. & Mrs. Twit ★★★★★
One of the very important things this book teaches you is that if you have ugly thoughts, it begins to show on your face. That explains why Mrs. Twit, who always carries a walking stick with which to beat people, is the ugliest woman you have ever seen. However, Mr. Twit, with his dirty beard encrusted with bits and pieces of every meal he had every eaten, is even worse. Fortunately, these two horrible people spend most of their time making each other miserable with twisted practical jokes involving things like a glass eye, a frog or a bunch of balloons, as you will discover when you read this book by Roald Dahl. But then we learn that Mr. Twit likes to catch birds for Wednesday's Bird Pie dinner and that his grand plan is to train four monkeys kept in a cage in the garden to become The Great Upside-Down Monkey Circus. This is not a good thing. Not at all. Fortunately, this particular family of monkeys, named the Muggle-Wumps, are aided by the Roly-Poly Bird in turning the tables on the Twists. When I was reading "The Twists" as part of my most recent second-childhood, I thought this was a relatively minor Roald Dahl story, enhanced by Quetin Blake's zany illustrations. But when I found out the great plan of the father Muggle-Wump for the Twits and realized the Dreaded Shrinks were not simply a figment of Mr. Twit's imagination, I decided this was really just another one of his wonderful books and that I should have known better than to doubt him. I recommend reading- Quest by Giorgio Kostantinos. Excellent bestseller
*いじわる婆さん!* ★★★★★
意外な展開!? ★★★★★



原書で読もうかなと思っている方へ ★★★★★
